Friday, July 12, 2019

Behind Her Eyes - Sarah Pinborough

I finished Behind Her Eyes on a flight to California this week and after I shut the book, I couldn't quite get the final images out of my head, the bad bad thoughts, the worry about future events (helllllo! the characters aren't real, their fates end with the last page - but man I was really worried about them). 

This book is filled with a lot of cool twists and turns and comes at the reader from two points of view. Louise, a part time secretary at a psychiatry office is out at a bar after work and meets a handsome man who she chats with and ends up kissing. They have great chemistry and she's really into him. 

But, when he shows up to the office the next day as her new boss, with his WIFE, she's mortified and hides in the bathroom. Knowing she needs to confront him she eventually does and agrees it meant nothing and that she can remain professional at work, but oh the chemistry is still there. So as she's thinking all this through she literally runs into another woman outside her child's school. 

Well this other woman happens to be the boss (David)'s wife, Adele. A shockingly beautiful woman, Adele invites Louise to coffee and they strike up a friendship which is super awkward for Louise. 

Then we switch to Adele's voice and we realize she KNOWS! How she knows, we don't know yet, but she KNOWS. And therein lies the mystery as we try to figure out what game Adele is playing at. Because she is planning something. And as we get more of her backstory, we realize there is something very off about Adele.

But listen, David and Adele have a crazy marriage and Louise is content to put herself right in the middle and try to be a hero all the while not recognizing this may put her SIX YEAR OLD son in danger. So, no girl, this is just bad bad. And I got a little judge-y of Louise about this. I got a lot judge-y actually. 

In the end, this book has a lot of twists and turns and there's an element of supernatural (reminiscent of Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger). But it's well written and moves well. I enjoyed reading it and didn't think too hard about who did it so I could maintain surprise for the end. A good summer read.

I can't say much else without ruining all the surprises, but it's getting a 3.5/5 rating because it went to a place that always makes me feel some things I don't like feeling, but I can't really say much about that because it's part of the ending. 

3.5/5 Stars. 

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