Friday, July 3, 2015

Three Cups of Deceit - Jon Krakauer

It took Jon Krakauer 75 pages to unravel all the lies spun by Mortenson and Relin in 350 pages of Three Cups of Tea (read my review of that one here) I wasn't blown away by Krakauer's writing in this one, but he didn't intend this to be like one of his longer books. 

He succinctly unravels Mortenson's deceit.

Like Krakauer I am really confused why Greg would go to all that trouble to concoct such an elaborate lie. The story, the parts that are true would be admirable. It reminds me of the woman who lied for years about being a September 11th victim and really was nowhere near the towers on that day. 

The lies undo a lot of the good that could be done by bringing the entire scheme into doubt. The mismanagement of the funds make me happy that I never gave money to the organization. 

I hope the CAI can move on from here. Mortenson can take his millions and quietly live with his family, but I doubt someone who's ego needs that much fluffing will be able to stay away from the spotlight. At least he won't be looking at the Nobel prize anytime soon.

4/5 Stars. 

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